Hey there, plant lovers! Here at Denver Plant Club, we’re just as excited about flannel shirts and pumpkin spice as you are. But let’s not forget about our leafy friends who need a little extra TLC as we transition from summer to fall. So, pull up a chair, grab a warm drink, and let’s chat about how to keep your plants thriving through the sweater weather!

1. Adjust Their Sunbathing Schedule
As the days get shorter and your tan fades, remember that your plants are also missing those long hours of sunlight. It might be time to move them to a brighter spot, maybe a south-facing window that catches those rare sun rays, or consider setting up some cozy grow lights. Think of it as providing a little personal sun for your plants that doesn’t come with a risk of sunburn.
2. Ease Up on Watering
If you've been hydrating your plants on a summer schedule, it's time to slow down. Cooler and shorter days mean your plants will drink less. Let the soil dry out more between waterings—think of it as not offering a drink every time you pass the water cooler. Overwatering can lead to some seriously soggy plant roots, and trust us, no plant likes wet feet!
3. Hold the Fertilizer
During fall, most houseplants are getting ready to hit the snooze button and enter dormancy. This isn't the time for a buffet of fertilizers. Continuing to feed them like it's the middle of summer can lead to nutrient overload. Let them rest; there will be plenty of time to feed them when they wake up refreshed in the spring.
4. Avoid Chilly Drafts
Keep your plants away from places that get drafty or too close to heating vents. Sudden temperature changes can make your plants drop leaves faster than you can say "fall foliage." Treat your plants like you would an esteemed guest—keep them comfortable and away from drafts.
5. Watch for Pests
Bugs love to find cozy indoor spots in the fall, and your plants can be an attractive destination. Keep an eye out for any unwelcome guests and be ready to act quickly with a shower or an organic treatment if you spot trouble. Your plants depend on you to keep the party crashers out!
6. Increase Humidity
As we turn up the heat indoors, the air gets dryer. Many plants enjoy a bit of humidity. Set up a humidifier nearby, or try the old tray-and-pebbles trick to add some moisture back into the air. Your tropical plants will be especially grateful.
7. Tender Loving Care
Now that you're spending more time indoors, why not get to know your plants a little better? Clean their leaves, trim off any unsightly parts, and maybe share a few secrets with them. Plants make great listeners, and this kind of care can really help them flourish.

At Denver Plant Club, we believe that a little effort in the fall can lead to lush, beautiful plants that brighten up your home all winter long. Follow these tips, and you'll not only keep your plants healthy but also deepen your connection with your natural companions. Here’s to a delightful and plant-filled fall season!
